How to get your Facebook App ID to integrate Facebook login into your Android/iOS app created with Wdstrategies ?

Follow steps below to get your Facebook App's APP ID :

Step 1 : Go to Facebook Developer page and click on Log In

Step 2 : If you have a Facebook account, login, else Sign Up
Step 3 :
  If you sign up follow this step otherwise click on my apps and follow from step 5

Step 4 : Click on Create First AppStep 5 : Choose Build connected experiences and click on continue
Step 6 :Provide required details and click on Create App ID button

Step 7 : Open Settings dropdown menu

Step 8 : Select Basic


Step 9 : Click on Add Platform

Step 10 : Select iOS platform

Step 11 : Enter Bundle ID, iPhone Store ID, and iPad Store ID in the highlighted fields.If you don’t have these keys, copy paste the following values –
Bundle ID - com.[AppName].com
iPhone Store ID – 1279371904
iPad Store ID - 1279371904

Step 12 : Once again, click on Add Platform

Step 13 : Now select Android platform

Step 14 : Enter Google Play Package Name, Class Name, and Key Hashes in the highlighted fields.If you don’t have these keys, copy paste the following values –
Google Play Package Name -
Class Name - HomeActivity
Key Hashes - VaSOGhegZ8f7Iu+zY5VY6sD8MT8=

Step 15 : Once done, click on Save Changes

Step 16 : Click on Use this package name

Step 17 : Enter your App Domain and Privacy Policy URL here.If you don’t have the Privacy Policy URL, copy and paste Wdstrategies’s privacy policy URL -

Step 18 : Turn on the Status Toggle button present on the top

Step 19 : Open the App Category dropdown menu


Step 20 : Select your App Category


Step 21 : Click on Confirm


Step 22 : The status of your app will turn to Live. On the top left-hand-corner of the dashboard, you will see your App ID

Step 23 : Now paste the copied App ID in the highlighted field in Sign in section in System pages

Note : If you want to add the website to your Facebook app, please follow this tutorial  : How to get your Facebook App's APP ID.

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