How to Monetize Your Wdstrategies AppMakr Android Mobile App?

Wdstrategies offers monetization using ADMOB. For enabling ad service you just need to provide Banner Ad Unit ID and/or Interstitial Ad Unit ID in My Apps >>Advertisement>>Monetize section for the respective platform.

Follow below mention steps to own your ADMOB Banner Ad Unit ID and/or Interstitial Ad Unit ID:

  1. If you already have an account the login else Signup on Click Apps in the sidebar
  2. Click Ad units in the sidebar
  3. Click Select for the ad format
  4. (optional) Complete the advanced settings for this ad unit:

    Ad type: Choose the ad type(s) allowed to be shown in this ad unit. You can choose any combination of ad types by checking the boxes. Unchecking all of the boxes will result in an error. You must choose at least one ad type for each ad unit. Suggestion: To try and help maximize revenue for this ad unit, we suggest checking all of the boxes. 

    For Banner :

    Automatic refresh: Determines how often a new ad request is generated for this ad unit. Recommended: Select Google optimized to let AdMob manage the refresh rate for you. The Google-optimized rate is calculated using AdMob historical data to ensure the ads shown in your ad units are being refreshed at the best rate for banner ads. You may also set a custom refresh rate of 30-150 seconds or disable automatic refresh rate completely.

    For Interstitial :

    Frequency capping: Determines the number of times this ad unit can show an ad to the same user. You can choose not to set a limit, or you can limit ads for each user by the number shown per minute hour or day.

  5. Copy Admob Unit ID and Paste it in Wdstrategies’s My Apps >>Advertisement>>Monetize

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